When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” -Fred Rogers I stopped watching and reading the news after my children were born. With the hormones and sleep deprivation I found it […]
Month: March 2020

March Snow
I equally love December and March snow…but for very different reasons. December snow is new and exciting. It’s been months since we’ve seen it and we eagerly welcome it back. I’ve lived in New England my whole life and I still get excited about that first snow of the season. It’s beautiful. It covers the […]

Tips for the Sudden Stay at Home Parent
In the past couple of weeks life has been turned upside down by the coronavirus for everyone. Among the many reasons, include the sudden school closures and transition to remote learning for students. Overnight families lives have drastically changed. Suddenly working parents have been thrust into the position of stay at home parents. While doing […]

Vacation…when things don’t go as planned.
Recently we went on vacation to Folly Beach, South Carolina. We had a wonderful time but I can say with 100 percent certainty things definitely didn’t go as planned. There were several moments of disappointment scattered throughout. Nothing horrible and it was all definitely first world problem nuisances. As I look back on these moments […]

South Carolina (Folly Beach) Trip 2020
We first discovered Folly Beach when Anika was just about to turn three and I was quite pregnant with Jake. On a whim, we took a final trip as a family of three to Charleston, South Carolina. It had been on our list of places to visit for a while and checked all the boxes […]