Sunday, March 02, 2025
Motherhood Simplify

Holiday Tradition Ideas

“Traditions should not detract from the season, they should elevate it.”

~Joshua Becker

We love the Christmas season and our family traditions that go along with it. Traditions are important for kids. I recently read a great Tinkergarten blog post that so eloquently explained why. Traditions have the ability to connect us, give us a sense of belonging, give us structure and to teach us values.

That being said it is often easy this time of year to get far too carried away trying to create the perfect holiday for our family. Adding too much to our schedule can backfire. Allie Casazza has a great podcast titled Getting Intentional with Holiday Traditions where she addressed all of this. Joshua Becker also has an excellent blog post about this subject that I highly recommend, Choose Holiday Traditions That Serve You.

Like a lot of things in life and parenting, holiday traditions are all about finding a balance. It’s about knowing when you need to bundle up the kids, rally and keep them out a little past their bedtime; but also knowing when you all need to stay home, snuggle on the couch under a blanket in front of the Christmas tree with a warm cup of something. I believe there is value and importance in both of those types of experiences.  

When trying to decide what should stay and what should go I’d ask a few questions. What do you remember from your childhood? What holiday traditions were the most important to you? Ask your kids what they like doing every year and what’s important to them. You may be surprise how they answer.

With all this in mind I’ve compiled a list of simple holiday traditions. Some we currently take part in every year and some we would consider trying at some point in the future. These are all inexpensive and simple things to do with our family. 

30 Holiday Traditions 

1. Get a Christmas tree
2. Read a brand new Christmas book, either purchased or from the library
3. Bake and decorate Christmas sugar cookies
4. Go on a Christmas lights drive
5. Make salt dough ornaments
6. Go for a hike in the woods to collect things to make decorations
7. Make Christmas decorations 
8. Do a Christmas scavenger hunt
9. Have a candy cane hunt
10. Watch Muppet Christmas Carol
11. Go ice skating 
12. Go see a holiday show (could be a school play or concert)
13. Go see a ginger bread house display
14. Buy a gift for a child in need
15. Deliver Christmas cookies to neighbors
16. Make a gingerbread house
17. Wear new Christmas pjs
18. Go caroling
19. Do a Christmas craft
20. Decorate hot chocolate
21. Donate blankets to animal shelter
22. Go see a performance of The Nutcracker (area dance school)
23. Go stocking stuffer shopping 
24. Make Christmas gifts 
25. Have a Christmas themed breakfast
26. Make holiday slime
27. Watch Charlie Brown Christmas
28. Watch Frosty the Snowman
29. Have a Christmas music dance party
30. Have a snowman themed lunch

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