We first discovered Folly Beach when Anika was just about to turn three and I was quite pregnant with Jake. On a whim, we took a final trip as a family of three to Charleston, South Carolina. It had been on our list of places to visit for a while and checked all the boxes […]
My laundry system
I’ve known for sometime the laundry situation in our home was a bit out of control. I can’t even blame it on having kids. Even in my pre baby days the laundry was chaos. Often my strategy to put the clothing away was to dump it in the master bedroom closet on the floor. I’d […]
North Conway Hampton Inn and Suites Trip January 2020
My mom and stepdad did phenomenal it when it came to Christmas gifts this year. For Jamie and I, a one time whole house cleaning by a professional. It was incredible. My shower has never been this clean. It has been so much easier to maintain the whole house now that we have been gifted […]
May the force be with you
We are slowly making our way through the Star Wars movies and our whole family has become huge fans. We watched three with Anika and Jake. Then they started to get a bit less PG then we deemed appropriate. There was some significant fast forwarding in the last one they saw. Jamie and I have […]
Preparing for Travel with Young Children
We are headed to South Carolina in a month and I am so excited and ready to have a break from the cold weather! I have begun my pre-trip preparations. Before having children packing for a trip was me at the last second throwing a bunch of stuff in a suitcase. I tried this technique […]
One dish at a time
There’s a popular hashtag on Instagram, #cleankitchenatnight. It’s consists of beautiful images of sparkling clean kitchens at the end of the day. The desire is to encourage others to take the time to tidy at night in order to start the morning fresh. These pictures are lovely and although I try and make this my […]
Disney World with Young Children
It’s been a year since our first Disney vacation! We had an amazing time. It was so much more fun then any of us expected, especially considering the age of our kids. They were young, but I have zero regrets about taking them on this trip. Here are a few of the things I learned about […]
Freeport and the L.L. Bean Northern Lights Celebration December 2019
Freeport is one of our favorite spots in Maine to visit, especially during December. Both Freeport and L.L. Bean are beautifully decorated for the holidays and L.L. Bean hosts an annual “Northern Lights Celebration”. There are several free activities, perfect for kids. We’ve made it a tradition to attend the past couple of years. We […]
Top Ten Played with Toys in our Home
As Christmas fast approaches I’ll take some time to stop and evaluate the toy situation in our home. This involves a quick scan of the toys my kids currently own, sorting through the ones that are no longer played with or no longer functioning. Then I’ll do some donating or discarding. If there is an […]
The Fox Ridge Resort
The past couple of months our family has faced a few challenges. Jamie has a lot going on at work that has kept him busy….like he goes into work before kids wake up and doesn’t return until after bedtime kind of busy. We’ve also purchased a rental property that needed renovations when the old tenants […]