“If the only prayer you say in your entire life is “thank you,”that would suffice.”Meister Eckhart My stepdad sent me the above quote and I think it is just lovely. Showing gratitude towards others is something I am trying hard to teach my children. The benefits of gratitude for kids and adults is numerous; better […]
Anika, Jacob and I were at a local farm the other day for a hay ride with some friends. Afterwards we went inside to buy an apple cider donut when this young man in his 20s approached us. He excitedly asked , “Did I overhear that someone over here was named Anika?!” Anika answered, “yes […]
Creating a Baby Shower Registry
I was all about the stuff my first baby go around. I registered for all the baby things. If someone told me about a product that was helpful for their baby I wanted it. The problem with this is that every baby is different. What works for one, might not work for another. The other […]
Buying new glasses
My glasses broke…actually they were broken…by my one year old son. I wear contacts the majority of the time but I do like to have a pair of glasses to put on at night to give my eyes a break. My husband, during a shopping trip to LensCrafters in the mall, in which our one […]
How I knew I was done with two…
Recently I took my kids to watch a play at one of our local theaters. As I sat in the audience of the show, my four year old daughter on one side of my lap and my one year old son on the other, I looked down and was struck with the feeling that I […]
10 Alternative Baby Registry Ideas
After having a baby people were always generously offering to help. Looking back on it it would have been great if I had actually let them. Instead, I felt uncomfortable and as though I were putting them out if I suggested something I needed. It would have been better if I would have prepared a […]
Time not Toys
The car needed an oil change with my kids accompanying me. After dropping it off the three of us sat down on the floor of the dealerships playroom and began to rummage through a big toy box of random plastic toys. It contained dinosaurs, cars, a tea set and the highlight for Anika, a few […]
Lemonade Making Moments
When life gives you lemons you make lemonade is that super cliched quote that I like to say to my daughter when we are in situations where things aren’t going as planned. I literally gave her lemonade the first time we were having one of these moments so it took awhile for her to understand […]
Decluttering my Wardrobe
I was the woman with a walk in closet so full of clothing that it barely fit. At one point the closet bar and shelf that hung above it were so weighted down they collapsed and were completely torn off the wall. Thankfully no one was hurt, but this was my wake up call that […]
Holding on and Letting go…
Recently I had two big life changes. 1. My four year old started a pre-k education program. 2. My 99 year old grandfather passed away. Both beginnings. Both endings. Both bittersweet. Both left me with feelings of emptiness and sadness. Both left me with feelings of relief and excitement as for what is to come. […]