Saturday, March 29, 2025
Motherhood postpartum

Preparing a sibling for a new baby

Having two kids is the best/hardest thing I have ever done. Transitioning to being a parent was tough because I was quickly thrust into the realization that my life no longer revolved around me anymore. Transitioning to two children was even tougher because I was thrust into the realization that my life no longer revolved around Anika anymore. The guilt I felt at my inability to be there 100 percent, all the time for her was hard… but it’s been good for her. She’s more patient now. She’s more independent. I have watched her grow and change for the better in ways I never had imagine. She loves Jake so much and it’s the best watching them together.

To prepare her for having a new baby in our home I did a few simple things.


We read many books about becoming a big sister. Below is a list of some in order of my favorites. I love Little Big Girl and Little Miss Big Sis. I still read them to Anika and tear up every single time. They are especially applicable if you have the same older girl/younger boy combo that we have, but even if you don’t the story translates well.

Little Big Girl
Little Miss Big Sis
You Were the First
Poor Louie
I am a Big Sister
The New Baby
The Berenstain Bears The New Baby


We talked about it a lot…what it would be like when the baby came. We talked about what would happen to her when I had to go to the hospital to have the baby. I continually asked if she had questions and would answer them to the best of my ability.

Input, Involvement and Assistance

She came to every doctors appointment and saw every ultrasound. She hopped right up on the table with me and my midwife let her use the doppler to find the baby’s heartbeat during my appointments.

We let her help pick out the babies clothes, diapers and wipes. She helped us set up the nursery.

She had her own baby doll and everything I had to use on the baby. This included things like a diaper bag filled with wipes, diapers, clothing and blankets. We would practice frequently.

When Jake did arrive I involved her in everything. It was like he was a new activity for us to do together. He was “our baby”. She helped with diaper changes, dressing, play, reading to him and feeding.

Anika reading to Jacob to distract him while I get him changed for the day.

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