Saturday, February 22, 2025

Reflecting on our First Year of Homeschooling…

In just a couple of days we will began our second year of homeschooling. Before we start this new year I took some time to reflect on the previous year and what worked well and what didn’t.

What Worked For Us…

Unit Studies

We all love a theme and unit studies gave us just that; a theme we could anchor the rest of our subjects around. It kept us organized and engaged. The theme was chosen by the kids so they were invested and engaged with the material. Scooby Doo, Pirates and Sponge Bob were three of our favorite unit study themes last year.

Field Trips

We got out as much as we could and this was game changing for morale. A half day spent at a planetarium was just the break we all needed at times.

Changing Curriculum

I allowed myself to changed math curriculum with Anika, guilt free. I’m even using something different with her next year. Last year we used Rightstart Math, this year we are using Singapore Math combined with Exploring Math with Creation. Had I been rigid and refused to try something new, we both would have been miserable.

What Didn’t work…

Not taking a spring break

We didn’t take a spring break thinking we would plow through the end of the year and finish early. We did, but it was challenging and going forward we will take the break.


Writing was challenging for us this year. Anika is creative and amazing with spoken words, she just dislikes writing these things down. Next year we are going to dedicate more time to this area exclusively each day. An idea I have to make it more enjoyable includes a year long project in which Anika writes an autobiography breaking her life down into nine chapters, one for each year she was born. She can interview people and include photos.

What I want to remember going into this upcoming year…

💛One of the things I’ve learned from veteran homeschool mom’s this past year is the most important thing at the end of the day is your relationship with your child.

💛My kids are wonderful, unique humans who do things at their own pace and have their own individual strengths. My goal is to help them embrace their uniqueness and use it.

💛My kids are learning all the time. Sometimes I just need to get out of the way and let them.

💛Have fun with them. Enjoy them. Be silly and learn right along with them.

I am so grateful and blessed to have the opportunity to homeschool my children. It’s a path I never realized I wanted but am so grateful to be on.

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5 thoughts on “Reflecting on our First Year of Homeschooling…

  1. Hi Nikki – you mentioned writing can be challenging for your daughter. When my grandchildren were that age they really enjoyed it when we would sit at dinner and create what I called a “one time story.” That was a story that we made up on the spot. I would ask each child for input into the story – such as character names and locations – and we would make up a story from there. I would provide structure and the children contributed the rest. They really enjoyed that. I let the story roam as they wanted it to and did not bother to anchor it to reality. I wonder if your daughter might enjoy writing a silly story now and again. The nice thing about making up our own story is there can be no right and wrong. Sometimes we were super silly and sometimes we were more realistic. I was the one who told the children we did not have boundaries or rules in our stories. Make up what you wished. We had a blast! I still like making up stories even though the children are “too old” for such stories. I think we are never too old for such stories but they are becoming teen agers now. Just a thought on writing and having fun! I love hearing your adventures with your children. – Chari

    1. Hi Chari! Such a great idea, thank you so much for sharing this with me. I think my kids would love doing this. We will definitely give it a try.

  2. For many years as an English teacher I did a year-long autobiography project. I am retired now, but I would LOVE to share a few points with you. Over time, this developed into one of my most successful projects. Please email or we can talk, too.

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