Wednesday, January 22, 2025


My sweet dog of 14 years, Rocky, was recently diagnosed with bladder cancer. Rocky is the dog I wished for my whole life. Literally. Every birthday cake candle wish was for a dog. Every time I blew away the white seeds of a dandelion I wished for a dog. 

I got Rocky shortly after I turned 21 and my cat of 14 years passed away. I happened to be at Petco one day when I noticed a women with an adorable dog. She told me there were more and gave me the number.

I remember the moment I met Rocky clearly. He was in a little pen jumping up and down. I picked him up, set him on my lap and he was still and so happy to be there. No movement, no wiggles, he just nestled in an itty bitty ball and snuggled in. They brought out another dog too but when I picked her up she wanted to be put down. Rocky felt right. Rocky fit there. You know how sometimes you make decisions in life and are so completely satisfied with them? Rocky is one of those decisions for me. 

Almost a year old.

He was my best buddy during my grad school days when I lived alone. He put up with the addition of my husband and his dog to our home and then the addition of two kids. He greets me at the door. He has been my constant companion. He has bonded with my babies. He sleeps with my daughter at night and keeps away her bad dreams. My son affectionately calls him “Ocky” and looks for him first thing in the morning when he wakes up. He is an integral part of my family and losing him will be hard. It’ll be hard because I will be losing my first dog. My birthday wishes come true. I didn’t just get a dog in Rocky, I got my dream dog. A sweet tiny little thing that could curl up in a ball on my lap but could also hike mountains and swim in lakes with his doggie life jacket.

Right there on our wedding day.
Hiking mountains
Swimming in the lake

It’ll be hard on a whole other level because it will also be my little girls first big loss. Watching her experience loss and seeing her hurt is going to compound the hurt that I am already feeling.  I know she’ll be ok and it will force her to grow and become more resilient in ways she wouldn’t have had to otherwise, but it’ll still be hard.

Keeping Anika company while I got Jacob down for a nap. He is the most tolerant dog ever.

The vet said Rocky has about six months to live. I was discussing all of this with my mom one night and she said, 

“Ok. This is sad. This is hard, but he is not dead yet. Don’t start mourning him until he is gone. Rocky can’t live like that. He deserves better then that.”

My mom is so right. 

I decided from that moment moving forward to just enjoy every moment I had with Rocky and worry about the rest of the stuff later. I was given the gift of knowing that my time with him is limited and I won’t take it for granted. I will be there for his life, not the funeral

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4 thoughts on “Rocky

  1. Beautifully written, Writer! Perfect example of, “To love and Win is the Best thing. To Love and Lose, the next Best!” Grateful you got your Dandelion Wish and so very much more.
    Rocky’s Love, that’s Eternal. He has touched many hearts including this one.
    Your profound words remind the reader to always remember what is truly important. Despite the pain there still are infinite and bountiful gifts; if we are willing and courageous enough to keep our hearts and minds open to experience and receive them.
    Keep Planting and Blowing those Forever Seeds. Each new day is brim filled with the Harvest!

  2. Sigh… so sorry. Unfortunately the problem with pets is the lifespan. It’s tough when it happens. I know that you’ve been very attached to Rocky. I can tell when you’re with him. He’s been an important part of your life. Your way on moving forward on this though is as good as it can be.

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