Saturday, March 29, 2025
Things that make me smile

Things that Made Me Smile January 2021

Gathered by Claire turned my words from this blog post into this beautiful image!

This Quote from Anika

Math Question:

Mrs. Torr gave out 12 pencils total. She gave 8 to Luna. How many did she give to Colin?

Anika’s answer: “Why does Luna need 8 pencils?”

The Mandalorian

Jamie and I watched both seasons this month. It was so so so so good. The acting was phenomenal. The character development and storytelling were excellent. It fits nicely in with the rest of the Star Wars stuff but easily stands on its own as a separate series. I cannot wait for the next season.


We took Anika and Jacob skiing for the first time. It was adorable and they loved it. We are excited to have a fun family activity that can give us something to look forward to during the long cold winters.

GD’s 66 Birthday

We celebrated my dad’s 66 birthday with him. Anika prepared for days making presents and decorations. We baked him a cake and celebrated with some of our traditional birthday dinner of Chinese food takeout.

This video

Jamie found this video. It’s ridiculous. It’s so silly. The kids loved it and we’ve asked Alexa to play it so frequently that all we have to do is ask for “that song” and she plays it. Warning. It will make you laugh but it will also remain stuck in your head for days.

I love this picture of my babies

I love this quote too…

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3 thoughts on “Things that Made Me Smile January 2021

  1. Frequently my kids or I will spontaneously sing that song out of the blue. The same goes for “Bushes of Love” by the same group. We aren’t great at improv but we often find ourselves singing like in Disney movies!

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